Our Motto: Failure is Not an Option!

Quote my Project!

As we launch into 2019 at Insignia Designs, I’m not just thinking about resolutions, intentions, and goals- I’m thinking about the motto I used when Carol and I decided to start our family business.

That motto? “Failure is NOT an Option!

We felt confident about our plan and before choosing on Insignia Designs, we vetted several opportunities and reflected on our lives and the lives of our children. After all that research, we still knew that owning our own company was the best solution for us.

And that failure was not an option.

So how do I define “Failure”? It’s simple: Not Trying at All.

You may be looking at the new year the same way we did that fateful year- considering the dream of going out on your own. There’s always a risk with any new venture, large and small, and here are some lessons we learned along the way:

  • Surround yourself with positive people. You will attract naysayers along the way but before you let them deter you from your dream, consider that depending on their background, not everyone has gone into business before so it’s unfamiliar territory- they may be genuinely concerned about this new direction.
  • Get ready for the questions. Friends and family will pepper you with questions filled with curiosity and skepticism- some popular ones were: You’re going to start a sign business? Do you know anything? Do you know how hard it is and the hours? For us, the answer to those questions, and more was a calm, “Yes.”
  • Expect a second set of questions about 3-6 months later. Round two was led by direct skepticism: “Are you regretting it?” “Is it negatively impacting your homelife? Are the children concerned?” For each, the answer that early on- and still today- was and is a calm, “No.” Our research and mutual support of the idea kept Carol and I focused. We were growing our business together and honestly, there wasn’t time to wonder and worry- we were moving forward. Which leads to the next point:
  • Don’t look over your shoulder. We remained firm, letting our team know we weren’t doubting our choices. I knew from my corporate days that entertaining doubt invited failure. I also knew that the only way to look at this venture was with positivity: we were going to be successful and allow confidence to build within our team and extend into our customer interactions.

Committing to a new direction for you and your family can fuel your New Year with opportunities and possibilities. At Insignia Designs, failure is not an option – for us or our clients. If Insignia Designs can help you launch your new business in 2019, give us a call – let’s begin the year together with “signs” of prosperity!

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