Insignia Designs has been a family owned business for over 8 years. When we prepared for opening, we had to have our office showcase the type of signage we could provide at the best quality. We took into consideration complimenting colors as well as various designs, textures, and fonts when...

As 2019 winds down, business owners across America are gearing up for 2020 by first taking stock of the past twelve months. Did business grow or slim down? Is the culture feeling sluggish or are teams picking up pace? Are you presenting your best image to prospective clients? Signage has a direct...

I am often asked why I chose to hang up my shingle and open Insignia Designs. What was it about signs anyway?   Well, I looked at a lot of different businesses – a lot. But I knew I wanted to run a business that would have a positive impact on people...

When you say “word,” I say “word walls,” an increasingly popular way companies are seeking to inspire their employees at work. Also called “motivational word walls” or “word tracks,” they espouse core values, goals, mission and vision statements to underscore their company’s approach to doing business. It’s a motivational tool that...

Vendors at the #Signworld annual convention always deliver when it comes to unveiling new technologies, and last month’s event in Nashville was no exception. Technology worthy of Star Trek’s USS Enterprise appeared, causing attendees to set their phasers to “stun” as the future arrived! There were educational sessions galore, but for...

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